Meet the person behind the product.

Hi, I'm Lucero, a stay at home mother of three in the quest of going back to basics. Our journey started when my son developed a skin condition known as eczema. Initially he was being prescribed a steroid ointment, and it was great, until it wasn't. One of the side effects, for my son, was white blotching where the rash would subside. I didn't want for my son to have to deal with other side effects steroids may have in the long run, so i decided to look into making our own ointment just like people back in the day would. The next best thing i decided to make was soap. Upon looking into soaps and searching for the best one for my son, I figured i could make our own, i mean, how hard could it be? hehe... once i was able to create bars for our daily use, one of my sister requested i give her one for her sensitive skin, and so the first regular shopper and adviser kicked off our journey. As more closed friends and family heard of this soap for sensitive skin i was making, they wanted in, so the first few sells were made and my "advised"(sister) pushed me to sell online, and a few years later here i am, opening our first online store. I hope you know i did not start this with the intention of making money, but with the clear mind of making something that has less toxins for our bodies, and now i get to share it with people looking for something more simple.